Unity is strength exemplified

At a time when the Community Society is being fragmented down into an individual society, Zhavame village under Phek District stands as an example of the old adage “Unity is strength” especially when it comes to farming. The Village with 1143 households and a...

Commendable achievements & success stories

Floriculture Sector in Nagaland – Taking the World by storm Floriculture is one of the fastest growing sectors in the Horticulture Sector of the State and the... A story where passion meets passion The story of Mr. Yanpvuo Erui is indeed a story of passion meeting...

Farms and Nurseries

Training for B.Voc Students of SASARD, Nagaland University at SHN The State Horticulture Nursery initiated series of developmental activities mainly focused on maintenance of accredited nurseries. The Year wise calendars of farm operations were actively executed as...